Undena Home Catalog Index by author Online titles Syro-Mesopotamica
AssurBM - Bibliotheca Mesopotamica SMS - Syro-Mesopotamian Studies Cybernetica Mesopotamica
DS - Data Sets/Cuneiform TextsGC - Graphemic Categorization The Ancient Near East
ARTANES - Aids & Research ToolsBA - Bibliotheca Aegyptia CARNES - Computer Research ILTA - Invited Lectures at Texas MANE - Monographs SANE - Sources OP - Occasional Papers Afroasiatic Languages
AAD - Afroasiatic DialectsAAL - Afroasiatic Linguistics BA - Bibliotheca Afroasiatica Medieval and Modern Near East
IAA - Islamic Art & ArchitectureARTMES - Aids and Research Tools LDV - Giorgio Levi Della Vida SNECS - Near East Culture & Society Comparative Literature
INTER - InterplayMedieval and Byzantine
BKM - Byzantina kai MetabyzantinaComitatus HC - Humanas Civilitas Anthropology
OR - Other Realities |
To jump to the titles within another series, use the links to the left. HC: HUMANA CIVILITAS 1. The "Past" in Medieval and Modern Greek Culture Pp. 256 + 33 pls. Paper ISBN 505-7 $13.00 3. A Brief History of the Greek-American Community of St. George, Memphis, Tennessee 1962-1982 1982. Pp. x + 129. Paper ISBN 127-4 $14.00 Cloth ISBN 126-6 $27.00 4. Byzantine Studies in Honor of Milton V. Anastos 1986. Pp. x + 232. Paper ISBN 169-X $32.00 Cloth ISBN 168-1 $44.00 |