Undena Publications

Index by author

Albenda, P.A Mediterranean Seascape from Khorsabad (ASSUR 3/3)
Monumental Art of the Assyrian Empire: Dynamics of Composition Styles (MANE 3/1, 1998)
Al-Khalesi, Yasin M.The Court of the Palms: A Functional Interpretation of the Mari Palace (BM 8, 1979)
Tell al-Fakhar (Kurruhanni) a dimtu-Settlement: Excavation Reports (ASSUR 1/6)
Amiet, P.Les sceaux (ASSUR 3/1)
Review Article of BM 6 (SMS 3/1)
Andrzejewski, B. W.Indicator Particles in Somali (AAL 1/6)
Antinucci, F.The Syntax of Indicator Particles in Somali: Relative Clause Construction (AAL 7/3)
Archi, A.Five Tablets from the Southern Wing of Palace G at Ebla (SMS 5/2)
Aristar, A.M.R.The IIwy Verbs and the Vowel System of Proto-West Semitic (AAL 6/6)
Asher-Greve, Julia M.Frauen in Altsumerischer Zeit (BM 18, 1985)
Astour, M. C.The Arena of Tiglath-pileser III's Campaign against Sarduri II (743 B.C.) (ASSUR 2/3)
The Rabbeans (SMS 2/1)
Aynard, M.-J.Documents d'epoque medio-assyrienne (ASSUR 3/1)
Balkan, K.Studies in Babylonian Feudalism of the Kassite Period (MANE 2/3)
Barkai, M.Theoretical Implications of Consonant Sequence Constraints (AAL 6/1)
Aphasic Evidence for Lexical and Phonological Representations (AAL 7/6)
Bar-Lev, Z.The Ordering of Hebrew Morphological Processes (AAL 6/1)
Barnea, A.Reference to Quantification in Gaza (AAL 2/3)
Beckman, G.Hittite Birth Rituals (SANE 1/4)
Berman, R. A.Lexical Decomposition and Lexical Unity in Hebrew (AAL 6/3)
Biggs, Robert D.Inscriptions from Al-Hiba-Lagash: The First and Second Seasons (BM 3, 1976)
Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East (BM 6, 1977)
Bolozky, S.Word Formation Strategies in the Hebrew Verb System (AAL 5/3)
Paradigm Coherence: Evidence from Modern Hebrew (AAL 7/4)
The Case of Weak Verbs in Post-Biblical and Colloquial Modern Hebrew (AAL 9/2)
Bonebakker, S. A.A Computerized Listing of Biographical Data from the yatimat al-dahr by al-Tha alibi (OoS 2, 1980)
Bonetti, SophieUrkesh/Mozan Studies 4. Gli Opifici di Urkesh: Conservazione e restauro a Tell Mozan (BM 27, 2002)
Buccellati, FedericoUrkesh/Mozan Studies 6. Three-dimensional Volumetric Analysis in an Archaeological Context (BM 30, 2016)
Buccellati, Federico (ed.)Terqa Final Reports 3. Cloves and paleobotany, scarabs and beads, plaques and figurines. (BM 31, forthc.)
Buccellati, GiorgioTerqa Preliminary Reports No. 10: The Fourth Season (BM 10, 1984)
Mozan 1: The Soundings of the First Two Seasons (BM 20, 1988)
Mozan 1: The Soundings of the First Two Seasons (BM 20, 1988)
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3. Urkesh and the Hurrians: A Volume in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen (BM 26, 1998)
A. Leo Oppenheim, 1904-1974 (ASSUR 1/3)
Syro-Mesopotanian Studies: A Preface (SMS 1/1)
TPR 1: General Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record of the First Two Seasons (SMS 1/3)
TPR 2: A Cuneiform Tablet of the Early Second Millennium B.C. (SMS 1/4)
TPR 6: The Third Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record (SMS 2/6)
The Descent of Inanna as a Ritual Journey to Kutha? (SMS 4/3)
IIMAS Field Encoding Manual (ARTANES 2, 1978)
Terqa Preliminary Reports No. 12: Digital Plotting of Archaeological Floor Plans (CARNES 1/1)
Burquest, D. A.Semantic Parameters in Angas Kinship Terminology (AAL 5/6)
Burstein, S. M.The Babyloniaca of Berossus (SANE 1/5)
Cagni, L.The Poem of Erra (SANE 1/3)
Caplice, R. I.The Akkadian Namburbi Texts: An Introduction (SANE 1/1)
Cassin, E.Anthroponymie et Anthropologie de Nuzi, Vol. I: Les Anthroponymes (OoS 1, 1977)
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L.On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986)
Chavalas, MarkNew Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria (BM 25, 1992)
Chevedden, P.Photographic Heritage of the Middle East (1849-1893) (OP 1/3)
Claval, P.The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983)
Cohe, M. E.Balag-Compositions: Sumerian Lamentation Liturgies of the Second and First Millennium B.C. (SANE 1/2)
Cohen, D. R.Subject and Object in Biblical Aramaic (AAL 2/1)
Cook, E. M.Word Order in the Aramaic of Daniel (AAL 9/3)
Cooper, J. S.Reconstructing History from Ancient Inscriptions: The Lagash-Umma Border Conflict (SANE 2/1)
Coulson, W.Palestinian Objects at the University of Minnesota (OP 2/2)
Daneshvari, AbbasEssays in Islamic Art and Architecture (IAA 1, 1981)
Dealy, R.The Politics of an Erasmian Lawyer, Vasco de Quiroga (HC 3, 1976)
Deller, K.STT 366: Deutungsversuch 1982 (ASSUR 3/4)
Denning-Bolle, S. J.The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle (OR 9, 1996)
Devens, M.Oriental Israeli Hebrew: A Study in Phonetics (AAL 7/4)
Diakonoff, I. M.Structure of Society and State in Early Dynastic Sumer (MANE 1/3)
Donbaz, VeyselOld Babylonian Texts from Kish Conserved in the Istanbul Archaeological Museums (BM 17, 1986)
Draper, P.On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986)
Duchesne-Guillemin, M.A Hurrian Musical Score from Ugarit: The Discovery of Mesopotamian Music (SANE 2/2)
Dunbar, G.The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983)
Durand, J.-M.Documents d'epoque medio-assyrienne (ASSUR 3/1)
Ellwood, R.Discovering the Other: Humanities East and West (INTER 4)
Zen in American Life and Letters (INTER 6)
Fales, F. M.Notes on Some Nineveh Horse Lists (ASSUR 1/4)
Falkenstein, A.The Sumerian Temple City (MANE 1/1)
Fernandez, J.On Symbols in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1980] (OR 3, 1982)
Filippi, W. deThe Royal Inscriptions of Assur-Nasir-Apli II (883-859 B.C.) (ASSUR 1/7)
Foxvog, D.Assyrian Texts-1 (ASSUR 1/4)
Friedrich, P.On Linguistic Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1979] (OR 2, 1980)
Gai, A.The Phonology of Akkadian Syllable Structure (AAL 9/1)
Gallagher, N.Handlist of Arabic Medical Manuscripts in the Research Library, UCLA (ARTMES 1, 1983)
Gates, M. CarreAlalakah Levels VI and V: A Chronological Reassessment (SMS 4/2)
Gelb, I. J.Thoughts about Ibla (SMS 1/1)
Gerow, E.The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle (OR 9, 1996)
Gibson, McGuireSeals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East (BM 6, 1977)
Givón, T.Verb Complements and Relative Clauses in Biblical Hebrew (AAL 1/4)
On the Role of Perceptual Clues in Hebrew Relativization (AAL 2/8)
Glassner, J.-G.Anthroponymie et Anthropologie de Nuzi, Vol. I: Les Anthroponymes (OoS 1, 1977)
Godelier, MauriceOn Marxian Perspectives in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1981] (OR 5, 1985)
Gordon, A.The Development of the Participle in Biblical, Mishnaic, and Modern Hebrew (AAL 8/3)
Gorelick, L.Astronomical Dating of Babylon I and Ur III (OP 1/4)
Gosselin, E.The King's Progress to Jerusalem (HC 2)
Gottesman, R.The Dove and the Mole: Kafka's Journey into Darkness and Creativity (INTER 5)
Grayson, A. K.Akkadian ksr and ksr (ASSUR 1/4)
Greenberg, J.On Linguistic Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1979] (OR 2, 1980)
Greengus, SamuelStudies in Ishchali Documents (BM 19, 1986)
Greenstein, E.The Phonology of Akkadian Syllable Structure (AAL 9/1)
Grose, C.Ovid's "Metamorphoses": An Index to the 1632 Commentary of George Sandys (HC 7, 1981)
Guralnick, E.Composition of Some Narrative Reliefs from Khorsabad (ASSUR 1/5)
Hallo, W. W.Jacob J. Finkelstein, 1922-1974 (ASSUR 1/4)
Harpending, H.On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986)
Hauser, RickUrkesh/Mozan Studies 5. Reading Figurines: Animal Representations in Terra Cotta from Royal Building AK (BM 28, 2007)
Hayes, JohnNew Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria (BM 25, 1992)
A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, Second Edition (ARTANES 5, 2000)
Heimpel, W.A Catalogue of Near Eastern Venus Deities (SMS 4/3)
Heine, B.The Sam Languages (AAL 6/2)
Heizer, R. F.Making Stone Vases: Ethno-archaeological Studies at an Alabaster Workshop in Upper Egypt (OP 1/2)
Hester, T. R.Making Stone Vases: Ethno-archaeological Studies at an Alabaster Workshop in Upper Egypt (OP 1/2)
Hettner, A.The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983)
Hetzron, R.Extrinsic Ordering in Classical Arabic (AAL 1/3)
The t-Converb in Western Gurage (AAL 2/2)
Bibliographic Bulletin (AAL 8/4)
Hovannisian, R. G.Islam's Understanding of Itself (LDV 8, 1983)
Ethics in Islam (LDV 9, 1985)
Huber, P. J.Astronomical Dating of Babylon I and Ur III (OP 1/4)
Hymes, D.On Linguistic Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1979] (OR 2, 1980)
Jacobsen, ThorkildSalinity and Irrigation Agriculture in Antiquity: Diayala Basin Archaeological Projects, 1957-58 (BM 14, 1982)
The Harab Myth (SANE 2/3)
Johnson, C. D.Phonological Channels in Chala (AAL 2/2)
Johnstone, T. M.The Modern South Arabian Languages (AAL 1/5)
Kaye, A. S.A Dictionary of Nigerian Arabic (BAA 1, 1983)
Nigerian Arabic-English Dictionary (BAA 3, 1986)
Kelly-Buccellati, MarilynInsight through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (BM 21, 1986)
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3. Urkesh and the Hurrians: A Volume in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen (BM 26, 1998)
Syro-Mesopotanian Studies: A Preface (SMS 1/1)
TPR 1: General Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record of the First Two Seasons (SMS 1/3)
TPR 3: Object Typology of the Second Season: The Third and Second Millennia (SMS 1/5)
TPR 4: A Typology of Ceramic Vessels of the Third and Second Millennia from the First Two Seasons (SMS 1/6)
TPR 6: The Third Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record (SMS 2/6)
IIMAS Field Encoding Manual (ARTANES 2, 1978)
Kerr, M.Islamic Studies: A Tradition and its Problems (LDV 7, 1980)
Kilmer, A. D.A. Leo Oppenheim, 1904-1974 (ASSUR 1/3)
Kinney, A. F.Rhetoric and Poetic in Thomas More's "Utopia" (HC 5, 1979)
Kraus, F.The Role of the Temple from the Third Dynasty of Ur to the First Dynasty of Babylon (MANE 2/4)
Landsberger, B.Three Essays on the Sumerians (MANE 1/2)
The Conceptual Autonomy of the Babylonian World (MANE 1/4)
Lazar, M.The Dream and the Play: Ionesco's Theatrical Quest (INTER 1)
The Anxious Subject: Nightmares and Daymares in Literature and Film (INTER 2)
Play Dürrenmatt (INTER 3)
The Dove and the Mole: Kafka's Journey into Darkness and Creativity (INTER 5)
Lessa, William A.Spearhead Governatore: Remembrances of the Campaign in Italy (Out of Series, 1985)
Levine, Louis D.Mountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia (BM 7, 1977)
Liebowitz, HaroldThe Oriental Institute Excavations at Selenkahiye, Syria: Terra-Cotta Figurines and Model Vehicles (BM 22, 1988)
Liverani, M.The kumanu Measure as 1/4 of 1 iku (ASSUR 1/1)
Three Amarna Essays (MANE 1/5)
Loon, Maurits vanInsight through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (BM 21, 1986)
The Oriental Institute Excavations at Selenkahiye, Syria: Terra-Cotta Figurines and Model Vehicles (BM 22, 1988)
Loprieno, A.The Sequential Forms in Late Egyptian and Biblical Hebrew: A Parallel Development of Verbal Systems (AAL 7/5)
Machinist, P.Provincial Governance in Middle Assyria (ASSUR 3/2)
Magalousis, N. M.TPR 11: Sourcing Techniques for Ceramics and Soils (SMS 3/4)
Mahmoud, A.Neo-Assyrian Sculptures from Saddikanni (Tell Ajaja) (ASSUR 4/2)
TPR 5: Die Industrie der Islamischen Keramik aus der zweiten Season (SMS 2/5)
Maidman, M. P.A Nuzi Private Archive: Morphological Considerations (ASSUR 1/9)
Malisdorf, Z.Love through Death in Modern Hebrew: A Syntactic Treatment (AAL 7/2)
Malone, J. L.The Development of the Anomalous Syriac Verb eskáh 'to find' (AAL 1/2)
Systematic vs. Autonomous Phoenemics (AAL 2/7)
Maquet, J.Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology (OR 1, 1971)
Martonne, M. deThe History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983)
Matthiae, P.The Royal Palace of Ebla (SMS 2/2)
Ebla in the Period of the Amorite Dynasties (MANE 1/6)
Matthiae, PaoloInsight through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (BM 21, 1986)
McAdams, R.On the Evolution of Complex Societies: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1982] (OR 6, 1984)
McCanles, M.The Discourse of [Machiavelli's] "Il Principe" (HC 8, 1983)
Michalowski, P.The Neo-Sumerian Silver Ring Texts (SMS 2/3)
Milano, L.Mozan 2: The Epigraphic Finds of the Sixth Season (SMS 5/1)
Minkoff, H.Graphemics and Diachrony: Evidence from Hebrew (AAL 1/7)
Mintz, SidneyOn Marxian Perspectives in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1981] (OR 5, 1985)
Mount-Williams, L.TPR 8: Object Typology of the Third Season: The Third and Second Millennia (SMS 3/2)
Muscarella, O. W.Unexcavated Objects and Ancient Near Eastern Art: Addenda (OP 1/1)
Newman, P.The Hausa Aspect System (AAL 1/1)
Nir, R.The Survival of Obsolete Hebrew in Idiomatic Expressions (AAL 2/3)
Oomen, A.Gender and Plurality in Rendille (AAL 8/1)
Parpola, S.The Alleged Middle/Neo-Assyrian Irregular Verb *nass and the Assyrian Sound Change s > s (ASSUR 1/1)
Collations to Neo-Assyrian Legal Texts from Nineveh (ASSUR 2/5)
Penchoen, T. G.Tamazight of the Ayt Ndhir (AAD 1, 1973)
Pettinato, G.Old-Canaanite Cuneiform Texts of the Third Millennium (MANE 1/7)
Pinchemel, P.The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983)
The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983)
Pingree, DavidBabylonian Planetary Omens. Part I: The Venus Tablet (BM 2/1, 1975)
Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part II: Enuma Anu Enlil, Tablet 50-51 (BM 2/2, 1981)
Postgate, J. N.Assyrian Documents in the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva (ASSUR 2/4)
Puglielli, A.The Syntax of Indicator Particles in Somali: Relative Clause Construction (AAL 7/3)
Raz, S.Tigre Grammar and Texts (AAD 2, 1983)
Reade, J.Mesopotamian Guideline for Biblical Chronology (SMS 4/1)
Reid, J. J.Tribalism and Society in Islamic Iran, 1500-1629 (SNECS 4, 1983)
Reid, Peter L. D.Tenth-Century Latinity: [bishop] Rather of Verona (HC 6, 1981)
Reiner, EricaBabylonian Planetary Omens. Part I: The Venus Tablet (BM 2/1, 1975)
Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part II: Enuma Anu Enlil, Tablet 50-51 (BM 2/2, 1981)
Richter-Bernburg, L.Persian Medical Manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles: A Descriptive Catalogue (HC 4, 1978)
Rosenhouse, J.On the Complexity of Some Types of Complex Sentences in Arabic (AAL 5/4)
Rouault, OlivierTerqa Final Reports No. 1: L'Archive de Puzurum (BM 16, 1984)
Terqa Final Reports No. 2: Les textes des saisons 5 à 9 (BM 29, 2011)
TPR 7: Les documents épigraphiques de la troisième saison (SMS 2/7)
Terqa Preliminary Reports No. 12: Digital Plotting of Archaeological Floor Plans (CARNES 1/1)
Elements pour un logiciel assyriologique (CARNES 1/2)
Rowson, E. K.A Computerized Listing of Biographical Data from the yatimat al-dahr by al-Tha alibi (Oos 2, 1980)
Saad, G.The Case of Weak Verbs in Post-Biblical and Colloquial Modern Hebrew (AAL 9/2)
Saeed, J. I.Central Somali: A Grammatical Outline (AAL 8/2)
Saib, J.Schwa Insertion in Berber (AAL 3/4)
Salvini, M.A Dedicatory Inscription of the Urartian King Ispuini (ASSUR 1/8)
Sanders, W.On the Evolution of Complex Societies: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1982] (OR 6, 1984)
Saporetti, ClaudioGli eponimi medio-assiri (BM 9, 1979)
Some Considerations on the Stelae of Assur (ASSUR 1/2)
Ein Mittelassyrischer bai'ru (ASSUR 1/8)
Assur 14446: la famiglia A (DSC 1, 1979)
Le leggi medioassire (DSC 2, 1979)
Assur 14446: le altre famiglie (DSC 3, 1982)
The Middle Assyrian Laws (GC 2, 1984)
The Status of Women in the Middle Assyrian Period (MANE 2/1)
Sasse, H.-J.Consonant Phonemes of Proto-East-Cushitic (AAL 7/1)
Sasson, Jack M.Hurrian Personal Names in the Rimah Archives (ASSUR 2/2)
Dated Texts from Mari: A Tabulation (ARTANES 4, 1980)
Savage-Smith, E.Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth-Century Divinatory Device (SNECS 2, 1980)
Schmandt-Besserat, DeniseThe Legacy of Sumer (BM 4, 1976)
An Archaic Recording System and the Origin of Writing (SMS 1/2)
Immortal Egypt (ILTA 2, 1978)
Early Technologies (ILTA 3, 1979)
Ancient Persia: The Art of an Empire (ILTA 4, 1980)
Schuh, R. G.The Hausa Aspect System (AAL 1/1)
The Chadic Verbal System and its Afroasiatic Nature (AAL 3/1)
Bibliographic Bulletin (AAL 8/4)
Schwarzwald, O.The Case of Weak Verbs in Post-Biblical and Colloquial Modern Hebrew (AAL 9/2)
Shelby, W. R.TPR 4: A Typology of Ceramic Vessels of the Third and Second Millennia from the First Two Seasons (SMS 1/6)
Shennum, DavidEnglish-Egyptian Index of Faulkner's Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (ARTANES 1, 1977)
Shimabuku, DanielTerqa Final Reports 4. Tell Qraya on the Middle Euphrates. Final Report of the 1981 Season. (BM 32, 2020)
Sigrist, René MarcelLes sattukku dans l'Esumesa durant la période d'Isin et Larsa (BM 11, 1984)
Silverman, David P.Interrogative Constructions with jn and jn-jw in Old and Middle Egyptian (BA 1, 1980)
Sim, R. J.Morphophonemics of the Verb in Rendille (AAL 8/1)
Simpson, K.Qraya Modular Reports, 1: Early Soundings (SMS 4/4)
Singer, M.On Symbols in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1980] (OR 3, 1982)
Smith, M. B.Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth-Century Divinatory Device (SNECS 2, 1980)
Snell, Daniel C.A Workbook of Cuneiform Signs (ARTANES 3, 1979)
Solecki, Rose L.An Early Village Site at Zawi Chemi Shanidar (BM 13, 1981)
Spiro, M.On Symbols in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1980] (OR 3, 1982)
Stanley, S.On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986)
Starr, IvanThe Rituals of the Diviner (BM 12, 1983)
Stein, D.Khabur Ware and Nuzi Ware (ASSUR 4/1)
Tefnin, R.Les niveaux superieurs du Tell Abou Danne, Chantier A-1977/78 (SMS 3/3)
Tomabechi, YokoCatalogue of Artifacts in the Babylonian Collection of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology (BM 15, 1984)
Toueir, K.The Syrian Archaeological Expedition to Tell Al'Abd Zrejehey: Clay Figurines of the Third Millennium B.C. (SMS 2/4)
Trigger, BruceOn Marxian Perspectives in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1981] (OR 5, 1985)
Tunca, O.Catalogue des sceaux-cylinders d'Adana (SMS 3/1)
Vryonis, S.Islam's Understanding of Itself (LDV 8, 1983)
The "Past" in Medieval and Modern Greek Culture (BKM 1)
A Brief History of the Greek-American Community of St. George, Memphis, Tennessee 1962-1982 (BKM 3, 1982)
Byzantine Studies in Honor of Milton V. Anastos (BKM 4, 1986)
Wagner, H.The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983)
Watanabe, K.Rekonstruktion von VTE 438 auf Grund von Erra III A17 (ASSUR 3/4)
Weisberg, DavidThe Late Babylonian Texts of the Oriental Institute Collection (BM 24, 1991)
Werr, Lamia Al-GailaniStudies in the Chronology and Regional Style of Old Babylonian Cylinder Seals (BM 23, 1988)
Westenholz, AageOld Sumerian and Old Akkadian Texts in Philadelphia, Chiefly from Nippur, Part I (BM 1, 1975)
Williams, B. J.On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986)
Williams, L. MountTPR 3: Object Typology of the Second Season: The Third and Second Millennia (SMS 1/5)
Williams-Forte, E.Ancient Seals and the Bible (OP 2/1)
Wolff, E.Grammatical Categories of Verb Stems in Chadic (AAL 6/5)
Wright, H.On the Evolution of Complex Societies: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1982] (OR 6, 1984)
Yoffee, NormanThe Economic Role of the Crown in the Old Babylonian Period (BM 5, 1977)
Old Babylonian Texts from Kish Conserved in the Istanbul Archaeological Museums (BM 17, 1986)
Explaining Trade in Ancient Western Asia (MANE 2/2)
Young, T. CuylerMountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia (BM 7, 1978)
Zaccagnini, C.Les rapports entre Nuzi et Hannigalbat (ASSUR 2/1)
The tallu Measure of Capacity at Nuzi (ASSUR 2/1)
Zadok, R.Assyrians in Chaldean and Achaemanian Babylonia (ASSUR 4/3)